“I see science and research as tools that can be used to improve the situation of people. Scientific research is a democratic method to check assumptions and test interventions. It should not be monopolised by a few, but the scientific approach is a tool to be shared by all and used by all those who seek to improve their living conditions and base it on sounds arguments and tested previous experiences. Whether it is scientific research is not decided by who is doing it, but how it is done. Everybody can learn to use the proper rules of research methodologies.”
English | |
Culture Health & Sexuality 2002;4:459-473. |
Sexual behaviour and vulnerability of migrant workers for HIV infection. (with Irene Fernandez, Sharuna Verghis and Martijn Vink). |
Research for sex work 5 June 2002 |
Health Care and Culture, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam . Health, HIV and sex work: the influence of migration and mobility. |
HIV/AIDS prevention and care in resource-constrained settings 2002 |
Wolffers I. and Painter T.M. (2002). Chapter 10. Programs for Mobile Populations and their Partners. In: Lamptey P.R. and Gayle H. (eds.) HIV/AIDS prevention and care in resource-constrained settings: A handbook for the design and management of programs. Family Health International, Washington, pp. 284-315. http://www.fhi.org/en/gen/wtsnew.html |
AIDS Education and Prevention 2002;14:102-116 |
Reasons for not using condoms among female sex workers in Indonesia. (Endang Basuki, Ivan Wolffers, et al.). |
Research for sex work 4 June 2001 |
Health Care and Culture, Medical Faculty Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam .Violence, repression and other health threats. |
J Subst Abuse 2001;13(1-2):45-58. |
Hien NT, Giang LT, Binh PN, Deville W, van Ameijden EJ, Wolffers I. Risk factors of HIV infection and needle sharing among injecting drug users in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. |
AIDS Care. 2000 Aug;12(4):483-95. |
Hien NT, Giang LT, Binh PN, Wolffers I. The social context of HIV risk behaviour by drug injectors in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. |
Sociétés Asiatiques face au SIDA 2000;1:147-168 |
La recherche sur les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Asie face aux défis lancés par le VIH et le SIDA. e.d. Marie-Éve Blanc, Laurence Husson et Êvelyne Micolier |
Research for sex work 3 June 2000 |
Health Care and Culture, Medical Faculty Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. . Empowerment of sex workers & HIV prevention. |
AIDS CARE 2000; vol. 12, no. 5, 535-540 |
Psychosocial and economic aspects of HIV/AIDS and counselling of caretakers of HIV-infected children in Uganda (with C.N.M. Brouwer, C.L. Lok and S. Sebagalls). |
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2000; 78 (2) 267-273 |
Policy and Practice. Biomedical and development paradigms in AIDS prevention |
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1999 Aug 1;21(4):338-46 |
Nguyen TH, Hoang TL, Pham KC, van Ameijden EJ, Deville W, Wolffers I. HIV monitoring in Vietnam: system, methodology, and results of sentinel surveillance. |
Research for sex work 2 August 1999 |
Health Care and Culture, Medical Faculty Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Appropriate health services for sex workers. |
Soc Sci Med 1999; 48: 1589-1598 |
The role of the privatization process on tuberculosis control in HoChiMinh City Province, Vietnam (with Eric Naterop) |
Culture, Health and Sexuality 1999;1:39-53: |
Pacar dan Tamu: Indonesian women sex workers’ relationships with men. |
Research for sex work 1. 1998 |
Health Care and Culture, Medical Faculty Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Why this initiative is important. |
The Lancet 1998;351:1652-1654 |
Health Research in the Tropics. |
The Lancet 1997; 349: 52-4 |
Culture, Media and HIV/AIDS in SE Asia. |
The Egyptian Journal of Diabetes 1996; 1:23-15 |
Could the low prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in the Egyptian deserts be the result of protective elements in the Bedouin diet? (with H. Barnard and M.M. Arab). |
The Lancet 1996; 347: 620 |
Confidentiality in research. |
Soc Sci Med 1995; 41: 1325-1332 |
The role of pharmaceuticals in the privatization process in Vietnam’s health care system. |
The Lancet 1995; 346: 1303 |
Migration and AIDS (with I. Fernandez). |
The Lancet 1994; 343: 410 |
HIV Infection in Vietnam. |
Altering the image of AIDS 1994 |
AIDS and the media in Turkey (with Ali Kaan Orbay) In: (ed: M. de Bruyn) VU Univesity Press Amsterdam. |
Altering the Image of AIDS 1994 |
The many faces of AIDS: in: (ed. M. de Bruyn) VU University Press, Amsterdam. |
Culture and Development in Health Care; Do we need a New Concept of Primary Health Care? | |
Culture, Development and Communication 1993 pp 90-100 |
Centre of Non-Western Studies, Leiden (eds W.A. Shadid and P.J.M. Nas) |
PHC and CBR: 1993 |
concepts for empowerment (with H. Flinkenflugel) In. The handicapped community (Ed H. Flinkenflugel) VU University Press, Amsterdam. |
The Lancet 1991;337:739 |
Primary Health Care in Developing Countries. |
Soc Sci Med 1989;29:1111-19 |
Traditional practitioners’ behavioural adaptations to changing patients’ demands in Sri Lanka. |
The context of medicines in developing countries 1988 |
Traditional Practitioners and western pharmaceuticals in Sri Lanka. |
Trop Geogr Med 1988;40:45-53 |
Limitations of the primary health care model. A case study from Bangladesh. |
Soc Sci Med 1988;27:545-52 |
Illness behaviour in Sri Lanka: results of a survey in two Sinhalese communites. |
Soc Sci Med 1987;25:319-21 |
Drug information and sale practices in some pharmacies of Colombo. |
Health hazards of organized violence 1987 |
Policies for publicity about victims of violence. |
Tropical Doctor 1986;16:44 |
Ayurvedic treatment for fistula-in ano. |
Br Med J 1985;291:970 |
Factors that influence patients in Sri Lanka in their choice between Ayurvedic and Western medicine. |
Dutch | |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1984; 128: 964-7 |
Profetische geneeskunde. |
Pharm Weekbl 1985; 120: 205-8 |
Onderzoek naar de kennis in enkele apotheken in Colombo (Sri Lanka). |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1985; 129: 1246-9 |
De geschiedenis van de quinolonen. |
Pharm Weekbl 1986; 121: 293-6 |
Problemen met fenylbutazon en oxyfenbutazon in ontwikkelingslanden. |
Pharm Weekbl 1986; 121: 865-8 |
Hoe verder na de 39e WHO-Assemblee? |
Ned Tijschr Geneeskd 1986; 130: 725-7 |
Marokkanen en geneesmiddelen. |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1986; 130: 740-3 |
Marokkaanse geneesmiddelen. |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1988; 132: 29-31 |
De problemen rond hoge-doses-oestrogeen/progestativumcombinaties, zoals Menstrogen, in India. |
Pharm Weekbl 1988; 123: 510-14 |
De rol van geneesmiddelen in een geisoleerd gebied (centraal Kalimantan). |
Pharm Weekbl 1988; 123: 569-73 |
De aard van voorschriften in een geïsoleerd gebied (centraal Kalimantan). |
Pharm Weekbl 1988; 123: 1092-6 |
Marketing van Geneesmiddelen in de derde wereld. |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1989; 133: 2348-2352 |
De toekomst van ‘primary health care’. |
Pharm Weekbl 1990; 125: 298-303 |
Fytotherapie in ‘primary health care’ in Thailand. |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1992; 136: 1662-1665 |
Kanttekeningen bij het succes van de wereldwijde immunisatie. |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1994; 138: 307-310 |
Gebruik van alternatieve behandelwijzen door HIV-positieven en AIDS-patienten in Nederland (met S. de Morée). |
Ned Tijdsch Geneeskd 1994; 138: 1032-35 |
Preventie van neonatale tetanus in ontwikkelingslanden bemoeilijkt door lokale organisatie en beperkte kennis bij gezondheidswerkers en traditionele vroedvrouwen; Noord Sulawesi (Indonesië). |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1995; 139: 2580-2583 |
Kwalitatieve benaderingen in het medisch onderzoek. |
Medisch Contact 1999; 54: 60-62 |
Ghanees-Nederlandse samenwerking. Een uniek experiment. |
2000 | The democratization of science. Demand-driven health research for development (VU University Press, Amsterdam) |
1999 | Health Compromised (ed. Ivan Wolffers and Josie Fernandez). Two studies, one from Bangladesh (Moniek Twisk and Marie-José Walraven) and one from Malaysia (Madelijn de Kleine and Astrid Rozeboom). Published by CARAM Asia |
1997 | Sex Work, Mobility and Aids in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Together with M. Bevers. Published by CARAM Asia |
1996 | AIDS in China (together with V v.d. Erp and R. Foy) (AIDS-Concern Hong Kong, in press) |
1996 | HIV/AIDS en alternatieve geneeswijzen (VU Uitgeverij, Amsterdam) |
1995 | Health and health care in transition in Vietnam; together with E. Naterop (VU University Publishers, Amsterdam) |
1995 | Primary Health Care and Refugees; together with Anke van der Kwaak (VU University Publishers, Amsterdam) |
1994 | Some selected examples of Participatory Research (DGIS The Hague) (Also in French, Spanish and Vietnamese) |
1994 | AIDS and pregnancy together with C. Batterink and R. de Roos (VU-University Press, Amsterdam) |
1992 | Impact of injections on health-care practice in developing countries (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam) editor together with M. Bloem (also in Thai, Tamil and Bengali) |
1992 | Health in Bangladesh (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam) |
1991 | AIDS and Primary Health Care (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam) (also in Tamil, Bengali and Vietnamese) |
1991 | Diarrhoea and Primary Health Care (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam), together with Daniel Nelson (also in Vietnamese) |
1990 | The role of traditional medicine in Primary Health Care (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam), editor |
1990 | Patients without frontiers (VU-University Publishers, Amsterdam) (also in Thai, Bengali, Vietnamese and Indonesian) |
1990 | Patiënten zonder grenzen(Contact, Amsterdam) |
1989 | Marketing Fertiliy (WEMOS, Amsterdam) with Hardon and Janssen (also in Portuguese) |
1987 | Changing Traditions in Health Care (Thesis, Leiden) |
1983 | Druppels tegen de armoede (Fontein, Baarn) |
1982 | Duurwoorderij en geheimtaal (AMBO, Baarn) |
1981 | Het masker van de armoede (AMBO, Baarn) |